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. Tree Farmer Alert

Monday,February 24,2014
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Redstone Canyon Fuels Mitigation – a Success Story

Written by
Dave Cawrse, Chair, CO/WY SAF Chapter

On June 9th, 2013, the High Park Fire started. Roan Mountain Rd became the last line of defense for two different southerly runs of that mega fire on June 10th and again on June 17th. The thinning saved four homes, avoided suppression costs of upwards a half million dollars, and saved the electronic site on Horsetooth Ridge – the primary means of communication for Larimer County during the fire – from burning up. Below is the story of this success.

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Emerald Ash Borer Quartantine Update

Emerald ash borer was originally detected in southern Michigan in 2002. It has since spread rapidly and, by the end of 2013, has been detected in 22 states and two provinces. Colorado is the most recent state where this insect has been detected, being found in Boulder in September 2013. It is also the first state in the
western US where EAB has been detected.

At present (winter 2014) Boulder is the only place within Colorado where EAB has been detected. However, the insect will spread in the upcoming years and it is reasonable to expect that essentially all of northeastern Colorado will be infested within a decade.

National quarantines of infested counties (including Boulder County in Colorado) are in place to try and prevent human-assisted spread of EAB.

Control Options for Emerald Ash Borer

Quarantine Update February 18, 2014


Rare, Orange Fire Fungus

Contributed by
Shawna Crocker
Colorado State Forest Service
Project Learning Tree Coordinator

I want to tell you about the tiny, rare, orange fire fungus I discovered on soil in the Black Forest at School in the Woods last fall-at a teacher workshop.  I took a couple of amazing photos, couldn’t identify what I was seeing,  so sent them to the Denver Botanic Gardens mycology curator.


Turns out that it is only found in 2 other places in the country (that they know of) –both in Washington!  Vera says that these fungi show up after fires and disturbances, to help restore soil balance and condition.  Maybe the rains that followed the fires caused them to grow and to be noticed this time.   When I learn the names of them, I’ll share!


Feedback on a Previous Alert

Contributed by
William M. Ciesla
Forest Health Management International

The study from CU about bark beetles not attacking trees because they have smooth bark is questionable.(see Tree Farmer Alert 02-15-14)  Smooth barked trees are young trees.  It's been known for many years that MPB prefers large diameter, older lodgepole pines, generally those in excess of 8 inches and in excess of age 60.  These trees have a thicker bark, which ensures higher brood productivity and survival.  They also tend to have a rougher bark.
Actually, during the peak of the outbreak, it was common to see lethal attacks in lodgepole pines smaller than 5 inches dbh.  It's doubtful that these trees produced more brood than attacking beetles but they were, nevertheless killed.  These trees had relatively smooth bark.
Ponderosa pine tends to have a rough bark at an earlier age than lodgepole pine. 


Risk Management

Contributed by
Bruce Benninghoff, Consulting Forester

The attached is another good paper from Calkin & Cohen emphasizing the need for both D space AND structure ignition proofing.  Also pointing out that if you own the land, you own the problem.

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Free Seedlings for Educators

Contributed by
Shawna Crocker
Colorado State Forest Service
Project Learning Tree Coordinator

Thanks to a grant from the American Forest Foundation and Project Learning Tree, teachers may request trees from the Colorado State Forest Service nursery for planting on private or public land.  Trees will be available for spring or fall, 2014, in quantities of 1 to 200, up to $500 per teacher.  Trees may be awarded to students who earn a tree prize for a tree/forest related lesson, program, contest or event.  Trees and plantings might be added to a larger planting project being conducted in the community by a non-profit group or natural resource agency. Teachers must have attended a Project Learning Tree workshop within the past 8 years in order to apply. 

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